Office / Showroom
Thomas Fox Landscaping, Kirby Farm, Whatcote, Shipston-On-Stour, Warwickshire CV36 5EQ

As part of our continued efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, we are extremely proud of the Kirby Farm ‘Cleaner and Greener’ mulching project, which is a big part of daily working life and has now been running for a whole year….
A huge percentage of the Thomas Fox Landscaping waste is now introduced to a mulching system and is recycled and distributed on to our own farmland. The waste products include formerly living material such as chopped leaves, straw, grass clippings, compost, wood and wood chips, shredded bark, sawdust and pine needles.
When distributed on to plant areas, the super-fertile mulch stops the hot, drying sun and winds from penetrating the soil and thus conserves soil moisture and coolness.
There are many benefits of mulching including:
• Help soils retain moisture
• Reduce watering
• Suppress weeds
• Improve soil organic matter
• Provide nutrients
• Deter some pests
• Warm up soil in spring
• Protect plant roots from extreme hot and cold temperatures
• Encourage beneficial soil organisms
• Provide a barrier for edible crops coming into contact with soil
• Give a decorative finish
Much Available to purchase ….
We are pleased to announce that our mulch is now available to purchase by the General Public. For further information please call 01295 680691.
Thomas Fox and the Team ?
Thomas Fox Landscaping, Kirby Farm, Whatcote, Shipston-On-Stour, Warwickshire CV36 5EQ